Betting Apps Reviews

Each time you want to place a bet on a team or individual, you have to ask yourself some key questions. What do you know about this team? What was their score the last time they played? How high do they rank as things stand? Have they ever played against the team they are about to play? If yes, how did they do? Have there been any improvements? The list goes on and on. It may look like a lot of work, but without this knowledge, you are setting yourself up to fail. A hunch will not cut it when you are about to place real money on a team. If anything, it will give you a false sense of confidence, which will soon shatter on seeing your team lose.

It is thus essential that you research on the teams about to hit that field. And there are two ways you can go about this. You can scour the internet, taking down notes and calculating the odds by yourself. Or you could use a trusted site and get this information. The latter is the easier choice and here are some of the websites which you could use for this.

Some of these sites charge a small fee for the information while others give it for free.

Best betting stats sites


Why should you trust this site? Well, it helps that some of the best minds in the industry work here. This company is the brainchild of one Nate Silver, who ranks as one of the most influential people in the world. It aims to provide people with analyses and predictions on NBA games. This analysis is possible thanks to the use of sabermetrics, which is an advanced form of statistics. It can work on anything from sports to politics and will help you figure out who can emerge the winner in a situation.

Unlike other sites where you would have to part with a fee for information, the analyses here are publicly available. This availability is in line with the company’s transparency pillar. What’s more, the company also offers predictions as to outcomes in the NFL and the NBA.

Often, you will find that the predictions given are correct and you can thus rely on them when placing wagers.

Killer Sports

Now, here is a site that will work for the avid gambler who is all about raking in wins. Using it is free, but you can access other people’s trends at a fee on the platform. In the past, this was not the case as access to the data was only possible after parting with a large sum of cash. Updating of the programs took place every day, and few could keep up with the requirements.

At present, anyone can access the site as long as they subscribe to the services offered. Here, you can build trends and save them. You can also compare teams as per their statistics and stay in touch with the emerging trends in the database.

Sports Insights

Do you want access to a site where you can get changing odds as well as statistics in real-time? If yes, this is the place to be. The upside to this site is that you can use their mobile app when you are on the go. A subscription applies to users who can access odds from tens of sportsbooks and information on current trends. You can see the money per game and number of bets. In this way, you can understand why the odds are shifting. What’s more, you have access to information such as injuries, weather, past data, value meters, and other vital factors. Plus, you get to participate in an online forum where you can discuss all matters sports with other users.

When using these sites, it helps to start with the free options. Once you get the hang of things, you can move on to subscription services. All the best!

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