Betting Apps Reviews

With the improved technology, long are the days when people had to go to watch games live in pubs. Only the rich afforded to pay for sports subscription televisions but today it is something different. Many betting sites that enable you stream games and races online. Currently, we can say almost all betting sites offer live streaming very few, or outdated betting sites doesn’t.

Here are the reasons why people prefer live to streaming:

  • • The odds are relatively high which in return brings high returns
  • • Helps to know what is happening on the ground by seeing with your eyes, e.g. red cards.
  • • Helps you identify profitable odds
  • • Cash out on profits once you feel you’ve utilized enough.

Below is a list of best-betting sites with live streaming.

1. 22 Bet

This site was founded in 20017. Over a few years, it has proven to be competitive in providing Live to stream for players. You can easily access the live betting feature without any difficulty accompanied by bonuses from time to time. Some people consider betting as their career, and the site is mindful of such people. They offer one with the opportunity to watch your favorites games up to 4 live events. Their payouts are not delayed, with a variety of different payment methods you can choose your plan.

Other advantages of using this live streaming site are that they are available in parts of the world with over 51 languages. For Asian handicap lovers, they have lots of game available to be played online.

2. Bet365

It is among the leading sites, with over 19 million users in over 200 countries. They offer extensive sports options with the feature for live streaming. Apart from UK users, other gamblers still can watch different sports and racing games online. If you are a fun of watching live games, then you have the liberty to open different betting accounts. For tennis gamblers, Bet365 will be your favorite site since it offers almost all tennis tournaments.

Players can also download use Bet365 app and use it to stream live games. Hence the games are available for live streaming 24/7 anytime the player feels like doing so.

William Hill

The casino has thousands of events available online for streaming every year. There is a feature for watching a variety of combined live events at any particular time. Watching the games is free but for selected few such as horse racing where you will need to pay 1 euro but for top sports such as football, netball, handball, snooker the live stream is free. The feature enables a player to schedule their upcoming events so that they can plan ahead.

Betting Apps Reviews

If there is something more exciting than online betting, it is live betting! Adrenaline rises as events happen and plays are completed, always with instant results, so preparation is essential and the help of live betting tips can be important to maximize your chances of winning. Learn more about the sites that offer these services in real-time.

Live bets are here to stay and are currently not only popular but essential sections for the most important bookmakers in the world. With this type of bets, it is possible to win without having to wait for the end of an event, since you must choose events or plays that take place live as you follow the details of the game. The odds are updated automatically and every minute you have dozens of bets and markets to explore. Awesome!

If you are a fan of in-play betting but your results are not up to par, you can look for live betting tips through specialized sites. These platforms can be free or paid and will allow you to explore the different possibilities you have to win instantly in different bookies.

What is live betting?

In-play bets are all the betting options you have within a specific event, be it a soccer match, a baseball game, a tennis match or a horse race. Each bookmaker has a live section that offers you a list of events that have constantly updated odds and markets to explore according to the events that occur in real-time.

With live betting tips, you can quickly check what are the most interesting odds for the events that are unfolding right now. This is very important due to the great number of matches and tournaments that are held daily. Due to the dynamic nature of the events and the thousands of options of live bets, you may miss a great opportunity if you want to search step by step among all available markets. Hence the relevance of live betting tips and the sites that offer such services.

Where to bet on live matches?

With the popularity of sports betting worldwide and the growing demand for more live betting options, virtually all renowned bookies have a section dedicated to this type of betting.

Live bets can be accompanied by video streams, live audio or specialized graphics to follow the actions in real-time, along with statistics that are updated quickly so that the player has all the information required to make decisions.

Betting Apps Reviews

The greyhound dog is known for its impressive speed and so it is no surprise that greyhounds are now bred to race. Greyhound racing, although not quite as popular as horse racing, does have a dedicated following and like horse racing attracts gamblers looking to win money.

Track racing involves a small number of greyhounds racing around a track (which is typically oval), trying to catch a lure that is attached to the railing. The lure travels around the rail slightly ahead of the dogs, causing them to run as fast as they can to attempt to catch it.

Greyhound racing can be as exciting as horse racing, with the dogs running at high speed. Races often finish with the first two or three dogs within inches of each other, but of course only one dog can be declared the winner. Betting on a particular dog to win can be lucrative, provided the gambler studies the form of the dogs and successfully gauges which dog has the highest likelihood of winning.

Bets on greyhound races can be placed online, and there are several reputable sites on which to do so. Some sites cover as many as 1000 greyhound races each week, which gives gamblers who like to wager on greyhound racing plenty of opportunity to win (or lose). Bets can be placed from anywhere in the world provided the gambler’s country allows it. Races can then be watched live where they are televised and winners can know immediately the race is over how much they have won.

As with other forms of online gambling sites, those offering greyhound racing as an option must have a license and adhere to strict rules. It is always in the gambler’s best interest to do adequate research to ensure that the site they are considering risking their money on is reputable, has a current license, will keep his or her personal information safe, and provides good customer service should the gambler need to contact the site. It is also worth noting how good the odds are that are offered on a site before committing money to it. Some sites also offer attractive sign up deals designed to attract more members.

It is important to know that illegal sites do exist and it is extremely risky for a gambler to hand over his or her money to such a site. These sites are often fly-by-night, do not have a license, and will take a gambler’s money and not pay out on a win. These sites often close down as quickly as they pop up, taking the gambler’s winnings with them. Only betting on a reputable site is advised, and the illegal sites are to be avoided at all costs.

Betting Apps Reviews

So many terminologies exist in the betting world that one can get lost in all the jargon. However, once you get past the names, you get to realize that it is quite an easy process from which you can make tons of cash. It is this knowledge that will help you bet on the likely winning team during finals as opposed to betting based on instincts.

You need to understand where the money is and to strike while the iron is hot. Thus, the comprehension of betting lines is of the essence. Betting lines are betting forms where the bookmaker handicaps a team or player such that the contest becomes a 50/50 wager. The handicap creates a margin between the teams or players such that there are only two possible outcomes.

Suppose there are two teams A and B. Where the bookmaker feels that A has the edge over the competition by ten points, they handicap the team by the same points. In this way, the bookmaker creates a line bet. Thus, as a player, you would back team A to win by more than ten points or B would get something within those points. The odds would be close.

You could also consider a money line bet, which is much easier to grasp than the above. Where you place a wager on such a team, you do so without considerations of the handicap in place. However, even without a handicap, the odds will differ based on stats as to which is the favorite team. In these cases, you will find that people lie more on the team that is likely to be the winner. The odds given for such a team are quite low as compared to what you would get from backing the underdog team if it won.

In the case of money line betting, it pays to have prior information as to the teams. Understand their history, their lineup, and anything that could help you in coming to a decision. With this information, you can comfortably back up any of the teams. Where the underdog seems to be the favorite as per your hunch or research, you can walk away with a large sum if it wins.

Do you remember the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight that took place back in 2017? We will use this as an example of the favorite versus the underdog. For the match, you would find that Mayweather had odds of -500. As such, anyone backing this heavily-favored fighter would have to invest five hundred dollars to win one hundred dollars. But as for McGregor, anyone supporting him would put up a hundred dollars to get four hundred dollars if he emerged the winner. The latter was a favorable choice for anyone looking to make a good profit. But the odds were quite discouraging for anyone backing Mayweather.

Betting Apps Reviews

Each time you want to place a bet on a team or individual, you have to ask yourself some key questions. What do you know about this team? What was their score the last time they played? How high do they rank as things stand? Have they ever played against the team they are about to play? If yes, how did they do? Have there been any improvements? The list goes on and on. It may look like a lot of work, but without this knowledge, you are setting yourself up to fail. A hunch will not cut it when you are about to place real money on a team. If anything, it will give you a false sense of confidence, which will soon shatter on seeing your team lose.

It is thus essential that you research on the teams about to hit that field. And there are two ways you can go about this. You can scour the internet, taking down notes and calculating the odds by yourself. Or you could use a trusted site and get this information. The latter is the easier choice and here are some of the websites which you could use for this.

Some of these sites charge a small fee for the information while others give it for free.

Best betting stats sites


Why should you trust this site? Well, it helps that some of the best minds in the industry work here. This company is the brainchild of one Nate Silver, who ranks as one of the most influential people in the world. It aims to provide people with analyses and predictions on NBA games. This analysis is possible thanks to the use of sabermetrics, which is an advanced form of statistics. It can work on anything from sports to politics and will help you figure out who can emerge the winner in a situation.

Unlike other sites where you would have to part with a fee for information, the analyses here are publicly available. This availability is in line with the company’s transparency pillar. What’s more, the company also offers predictions as to outcomes in the NFL and the NBA.

Often, you will find that the predictions given are correct and you can thus rely on them when placing wagers.

Killer Sports

Now, here is a site that will work for the avid gambler who is all about raking in wins. Using it is free, but you can access other people’s trends at a fee on the platform. In the past, this was not the case as access to the data was only possible after parting with a large sum of cash. Updating of the programs took place every day, and few could keep up with the requirements.