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The greyhound dog is known for its impressive speed and so it is no surprise that greyhounds are now bred to race. Greyhound racing, although not quite as popular as horse racing, does have a dedicated following and like horse racing attracts gamblers looking to win money.

Track racing involves a small number of greyhounds racing around a track (which is typically oval), trying to catch a lure that is attached to the railing. The lure travels around the rail slightly ahead of the dogs, causing them to run as fast as they can to attempt to catch it.

Greyhound racing can be as exciting as horse racing, with the dogs running at high speed. Races often finish with the first two or three dogs within inches of each other, but of course only one dog can be declared the winner. Betting on a particular dog to win can be lucrative, provided the gambler studies the form of the dogs and successfully gauges which dog has the highest likelihood of winning.

Bets on greyhound races can be placed online, and there are several reputable sites on which to do so. Some sites cover as many as 1000 greyhound races each week, which gives gamblers who like to wager on greyhound racing plenty of opportunity to win (or lose). Bets can be placed from anywhere in the world provided the gambler’s country allows it. Races can then be watched live where they are televised and winners can know immediately the race is over how much they have won.

As with other forms of online gambling sites, those offering greyhound racing as an option must have a license and adhere to strict rules. It is always in the gambler’s best interest to do adequate research to ensure that the site they are considering risking their money on is reputable, has a current license, will keep his or her personal information safe, and provides good customer service should the gambler need to contact the site. It is also worth noting how good the odds are that are offered on a site before committing money to it. Some sites also offer attractive sign up deals designed to attract more members.

It is important to know that illegal sites do exist and it is extremely risky for a gambler to hand over his or her money to such a site. These sites are often fly-by-night, do not have a license, and will take a gambler’s money and not pay out on a win. These sites often close down as quickly as they pop up, taking the gambler’s winnings with them. Only betting on a reputable site is advised, and the illegal sites are to be avoided at all costs.

Though attending greyhound race meets is most enjoyable in the warmer months of the year, there are times when rain can have a negative impact. How wet the track becomes will determine whether the race will still be run or cancelled. It is very rare that a race will be cancelled due to inclement weather, and greyhound racing occurs all year round in some countries, with dogs running in extreme conditions, both hot and cold. Naturally extreme temperatures will affect how fast a dog can run and gamblers need to take this into account when selecting the dog they think has the highest chance of winning.

Greyhounds are known to be able to run at top speeds for short periods of time, and require sufficient rest periods between race meets. The track they are called upon to race on can affect their performance significantly. Every race track’s condition is classed one of four ways: Fast, which occurs in hot temperatures, Slow, which occurs in cold temperatures, Wet, which occurs when the track has been rained on, and Normal, when the track is in normal condition. These classifications are general in nature, however, and can change quickly as the weather changes.

Eight countries have commercial greyhound racing, but racing of greyhound dogs can be found in over 20 other countries worldwide. It is expected that greyhound racing in some of these countries will become commercial in coming years. This largely depends upon the country’s attitude to gambling, and whether it is considered illegal or legal.

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